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Results 7381 - 7395 of 7,578

Boekhouder - penningmeester van het armwezen, Hoorn, 1908-1921

Finding aid: 0393

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Brandweer Hoorn, 1795-2005

Finding aid: 0381

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Commissie voor de financiën te Hoorn, 1916-1978

Finding aid: 0363

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Duurtecommissie, Hoorn, 1919-1919

Finding aid: 0355

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Georganiseerd overleg in ambtenarenzaken, later Commissie voor georganiseerd overleg in ambtenarenzaken (GO), Hoorn, 1921-1979

Finding aid: 0359

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Stichting 'De Achterstraat', Droparchief, Werkgroep Architectuur, Cultuurbulletin, Stichting Cal en Oog van Hoorn, Hoorn, 1976-1996

Finding aid: 0338

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Coöperatieve Tuinbouwvereniging "De Proeftuin" te Bangert, 1906-1979

Finding aid: 0331

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Vrouwenraad Andijk, 1986-2000

Finding aid: 0340

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Nederlands Israëlitische Gemeente, Enkhuizen, 1840-1979

Finding aid: 0321

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Culturele Raad, Hoorn, 1947-1984

Finding aid: 0584

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Kooij, Jan Dirksz., timmerman te Oosterblokker, 1808-1818

Finding aid: 0334

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Bootsgezellenbeurs Ooster- en Westerblokker, 1635-1962

Finding aid: 0337

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Onderlinge Vereniging [tot afzet van bessen en hazelnoten] in de Bangert, 1907-1913

Finding aid: 0335

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Protestants Christelijke Ouderen Bond (PCOB), afd. Andijk

Finding aid: 0575

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief

Stichting Vrijzinnig Godsdienstig Tehuis te Enkhuizen *, 1924-2005

Finding aid: 0339

Description not specified in the source

Type: EAD Last updated: 2 November 2021 Organisation: Westfries Archief